16: Dog Distinctions

Honestly, I can barely tell my dogs apart. We've started putting Toad in a tee or sweater to help people distinguish between the two. It doesn't hurt that Toad just wears clothes really well (every time I look at him in a sweater, I think, damn, this dog was made for clothing!). As a budding cartoonist, I should be able to find the differences and illustrate them. It's a great exercise - when cartooning two identical little puffy white dogs, nearly the same size and shape, how can I make them distinctive to someone who is quickly reading a comic? I did some "studies" in my sketchbook - thought I nailed it, then showed Eric, who knows the dogs better than anyone.
"Can you tell which is which?" I asked
"Yes, obviously! The top one is Toady, and the bottom one's Pete."
It was actually the reverse. Oh well. Back to the drawing board...

This email made my day! Let’s see Toad in a tee!
When I finished reading the cartoon, I guessed that Pete was on the left on the couch. I know my boys… okay?!
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